PPTX to PDF Converter

Convert your PowerPoint presentation into an easily shareable fixed document using this PPTX to PDF converter! It’s fast, free, and there are no limits to how much you can use it.

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PPTX Files

Files ending in .pptx are a collection of slides to be used as a slideshow. Most PPTX files are created with Microsoft PowerPoint — specifically, versions released after 2004. Before 2004, PPTX didn’t exist, with PPT being the default format. PPTX files are more advanced than PPT files because they are XML-based instead of binary based. However, the formats are still incredibly similar, with both containing one or many slides containing text, graphics, images, and more. PPTX files can also be created, edited, and opened with other slideshow programs.

PPTX to PDF Conversion

Sharing, uploading, and archiving a PowerPoint presentation are incredibly common practices. However, there are still many situations in which you shouldn’t perform these actions with a PPTX file and should instead first convert it to a PDF. One example is sharing that presentation with someone who doesn’t use PowerPoint or will likely open it on a mobile device. Another could be uploading your slide deck to a site that doesn’t accept the PPTX format. For these situations, converting PPTX to PDF is the way to go! PDFs can be opened and saved anywhere, and any site that accepts document uploads will almost certainly accept PDFs. Our conversion service is easy to use, fast, and, most importantly, free. As icing on the cake, you can use this browser-based tool as much as you need without handing over your email or credit card information.