AZW3 to PDF Converter

Use this free online tool to convert AZW3 to PDF. This will allow you to read your e-books pretty much anywhere, not just on your Kindle!

Or drop them here

AZW3 Files

Files ending in .azw3 are ebook files designed for the Amazon Kindle. These files are also sometimes referred to as Kindle Format 8. Either way, they work exclusively on Kindle e-readers, tablets, and applications created by Amazon. Amazon used the MOBI format as the basis for the original AZW format, essentially applying digital rights management (DRM) protection to make a proprietary ebook standard. AZW3 files can easily be converted to other formats so they can be used with other non-Amazon devices.

AZW3 to PDF Conversion

The AZW3 format is the default for e-books on Amazon Kindle devices. While this is a great format for e-readers such as the Kindle, it’s not great for reading e-books on other devices, including laptops, computers, and mobile phones. That’s why this AZW3 to PDF converter is so helpful! By converting your e-books to PDFs, you can read them almost anywhere, since there are very few systems that don’t support reading PDFs natively. Thankfully, even things like images, hyperlinks, and other technical aspects of the e-book should transfer over, although some specialized e-book features might not. Regardless, making the conversion is totally free, so you have nothing to lose by giving it a shot! Simply upload one or more AZW3 e-books and watch as the conversion instantly transforms them into PDFs!