PDF to MOBI Converter
If you have a PDF you want to read on your Amazon Kindle or another e-reader, you might want to convert it to MOBI first. Convert PDF to MOBI here!
MOBI Files
Files ending in .mobi are e-books. MOBI is one of the many proprietary e-book formats. Although internal details about the format aren’t available due to its privately-owned nature, it is widely supported on many e-readers, including modern Kindles. However, MOBI isn’t the best e-book format because it has some big limitations, such as images not being scalable with text, no nesting tables, and no audio/video support. MOBI files can easily be converted to other e-book formats for free, including PDF, ePub, and more.
PDF to MOBI Conversion
The MOBI e-book format is widely supported by most e-readers, including devices in the Amazon, Koba, Nook, and Onyx families. If you have a PDF you want to read on an e-reader, it might be helpful to convert it to MOBI first. This will keep your e-books more organized since they’ll all be in the same format. Converting PDF to MOBI is incredibly easy: simply upload one or more PDFs using our service and watch as it automatically converts them all to MOBI. You can perform as many conversions as you wish free of charge — no email required! Once converted, we recommend using the free software suite called Calibre to transfer your MOBI files to your e-reader. However, you can always use the official tools offered by your device’s manufacturer if necessary.